(and why you should show your quilts)
A few weeks ago, the Canadian Quilters Association, which publishes the magazine, Canadian Quilter, put out a call for quilts with inspirational words on them. They were doing a feature in the spring issue. I thought right away of my quilt, healing. The message mentioned how to submit photos and that we would only hear back if our quilt was be chosen for the publication. Ten minutes or so later, I had a response.

I’ve had a quilt published before, by QuiltMaker magazine, but it was for their online issue. I was a tester for a pattern. They sent me all the fabric, batting and thread. After I made the quilt, I sent it back to them for professional photos. When they were all done, it was returned to me to keep. That was a cool experience. But this one – it’s a step up because it’s my quilt, my design, my creation. And it was recognized as the inspirational piece it is meant to be.

What about you?
Have you ever shown a show at a quilt show? Have you wanted to? Many newer, or even more experienced, quilters are hesitant to show their quilts to the public. All the quilters see is their imperfections, comparing their quilts to the showstoppers, the ribbon winners. But showing a quilt isn’t always about being the best or about winning. It’s about showing other quilters what you accomplished. Your quilt can give other quilters ideas about color, style, patterns – there is so much your quilt can teach and show others.
I showed three of my quilts at our once-every-two-year provincial quilt show. One was my Butterflies in Flight; the others were my 60s Batik Explosion, and Taxi! None of them won anything, but I like to think that my creations may have triggered an idea in someone’s mind.
Show your quilts. Be proud of them. They are one of a kind pieces. They’re yours.