Hello there! If you’ve been following my videos for the past 23 days, you have seen the lovely gifts I’ve been opening from my Christmas box. It’s been a lot of fun and I love that people have been watching and sending me messages. If this is your first visit to my blog, you can find all previous openings here too. The videos are mostly under one minute, with the odd longer one.
This time of year is joyous but it’s also bittersweet for many. The past few years have been hard. We’ve lost people we loved, some lost jobs or had to move. Kids were unsure of what was coming next when it came to schooling, and they missed their friends and activities. Farther away, there are people suffering from man-made problems and their lives will never be the same.
It is naive to think that turning a calendar page means everything will be better, but I like to think that the turned page brings hope. It brings hope that the people of Ukraine will have their freedom from fear again, that those in other countries will get the food and shelter they need, and the safety they deserve. Closer to home, it may mean that we will be kinder to each other, helpful, and can start to dream again.
On that note, I want to wish each and everyone of you a happy, joyous and peaceful holiday season, as well has high hopes for the coming year. Thank you for being part of my life.
And now…. the final reveal!